The reality and force of trauma
Each of us faces some form of trauma throughout our lives. Many have experienced what we know as ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences. Trauma in grief is another component that we need to be aware of.
Here on this page are a few resource to benefit you in your journey. The included PDF handouts that describe what trauma look like in grief and how to act upon it. Click the image to the right for a larger view of the ACE’s info graph to see the personal and community affects of trauma.
Trauma Resources
This growing list of recommended resources provides links to books in print and digital formats. If you have a resource you want to recommend for inclusion do contact us with details.
The Age of Overwhelm:
Strategies for the Long Haul
The Body Keeps Score:
Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Trauma Stewardship
An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others
What Happened to You
Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
Trauma Handouts (PDF)
How the Soul Grows through Loss
Trauma Informed Care
Shifting the focus from "What's wrong with you", to "What happened to you?"
Exposure to trauma — including abuse, neglect, systemic discrimination, and violence — increases an individual’s risk for serious health issues and poor health outcomes throughout life.